Cleaning vacancies

Cleaner and cleaner

At the organizations where you will be working, hygiene is very important. You love to make everything neat and tidy. With the smell of all-purpose cleaner or bleach, you enthusiastically go to work with your cloth and make sure everything shines. Another big advantage is that the job as a cleaner automatically burns calories. So that gym subscription is no longer necessary! With dusting, vacuuming and mopping, you're doing a pretty good job physically. Fortunately, you don't do the work alone. You do the cleaning together with your colleagues, which also makes it fun.

Cleaning vacancies both part-time and full-time

The nice thing is that we have cleaning vacancies for different hours. Sometimes the work is during the day and other times in the evening. This allows you to easily combine the job with school or your home situation. Cleaners are needed at all times. Every organization wants their place to be hygienic and clean. Whether this is an office, healthcare facility or a vacation park, they need you

Come and meet

We would love to help you discover which cleaning job suits you best. Come and visit us to get acquainted. We have been working in this personal way since 1991. We want to talk to you to find out if the vacancy for a cleaner really suits you or if we might have another job open that we can find out together is a better match. We won't beat around the bush, but will explain exactly what the positions entail. Apply for one of our cleaning jobs or stop by one of our branches.

Diploma or certificate needed with cleaning job?

A degree or certificate is not required. As you work, you will learn what is important to watch out for. It is important that you work accurately and are physically fit. Sometimes cleaning tasks can be quite challenging or you may be in the wrong position. We make sure that you are properly supervised so that you work safely and ergonomically as a cleaner.

Make an appointment for a personal consultation at one of our branches.

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